Work hier! - Your way from science to business in Berlin
The Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan region requires highly qualified young people for a dynamic and growing job market, in particular in the natural sciences and technology. At the same time, a significant number of international scientists graduate from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin every year.
Numerous are interested in working in industry later on, and many of them want to stay in Berlin. At the same time, they have little knowledge of the job market in the metropolitan region and concrete job prospects locally: from DAX-listed corporations to small and medium-sized companies and a dynamic start-up scene, there are a variety of interesting entry-level opportunities for everyone, e.g. in the areas of research and development.
With “Work hier!”, we make it easier for young scientists to start a successful career in Berlin-Brandenburg.
Target audience
Work hier! is an initial programme for international doctoral candidates and postdocs in order to keep this valuable, high-qualified target group here in the region.
Various institutions have joined forces for this purpose: Agentur für Arbeit Berlin Süd, Berlin Partner, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and WISTA Management GmbH.
Programme agenda
Info meeting: 7 November 2024, 13:00-14:00 pm. Location: a:head area, Rudower Chaussee 24, 12489 Berlin and hybrid
Programme duration: 6 months, with monthly events from January to June 2025
Kick-off event: 30 January 2025, 13:00-16:00 pm
Applications: If you are interested, please complete the profile form and send it back to Dr Petra Metz (petra.metz(at) together with a tabular CV in one document by e-mail.
Application deadline: 30 November 2024