Tomorrow’s world of work is being shaped at the “Zukunftsorte” locations in Berlin:
The world is changing. Innovations like chatbots, virtual realities, and smart robots have arrived in the workplace and will bring about fundamental changes in the years ahead. At Berlin Science Week in November 2024,…
Introducing an innovative world of work, ST3AM is now opening on the Adlershof campus:
Wealthy regions offer talent, technology—research, development, and academia—, tolerance—communities that practice openness and diversity—, and land available for development. This is complemented by other ecological…
Lite&Fog aim at making plant cultivation more sustainable and efficient. Their method allows for the on-demand production of foodstuffs, as well as active ingredients for medicine and cosmetics:
Seen from afar, it looks like a green column behind glass. Moving closer, it turns out to be lettuce plants that grow in all directions along the entire length of a thick, round textile tube. Rather than reaching for…
The software company Calypso Commodities develops optimisation solutions for logistics:
The world is changing. Bit by bit, fossil fuels are being replaced. But this will not happen overnight. Until renewable hydrogen creates a green commodities industry and innovative storage concepts make sun and wind…
Escarda Technologies GmbH is developing an herbicide-free alternative for weed control at CleanTech Marzahn:
Weed control using herbicides has many disadvantages: It costs worldwide agriculture a good 15 billion euros every year. This trend is increasing sharply, threatening biodiversity, and contaminating foodstuffs and…
At TechConnect Adlershof, scientific institutions, innovators, and companies discussed how new materials enable a circular economy:
When someone like Patrick Teuffel matter-of-factly uses the words “ongoing progress” to describe the workings of his industry - instead of the ubiquitous “ongoing process” – it says very clearly something about how…
The mechanical engineer takes care of knowledge transfer at WISTA Management GmbH:
When he studied mechanical engineering at Technische Universität Berlin, Rawad Chammas had already discovered his passion for the processes and transfer of knowledge during the various phases of technology…
A new platform pools data from eleven different sites in Berlin generating future innovation:
Berlin’s Zukunftsorte, German for ‘places of the future’, are pivotal sites generating future innovation in technology across the German capital. They are made up of 2,200 companies and 42 scientific institutions,…
The Science City in Adlershof is booming. Space has become scarce. Has this success story been told? Far from it. Why? Because there are so many new things happening in Berlin’s southeast. The future is exciting.:
Adlershof: a blueprint for technology parks across the world from America to China. A success story. Have we reached the end of it? A smile flickers across the lips of Roland Sillmann, the CEO of WISTA Management…
Rawad Chammas and Mirjam Landowski bring scientific knowledge into practice and drive WISTA's transfer projects forward:
When it comes to knowledge transfer from universities into practice, WISTA relies on practice-oriented projects with scientific support. Two smart minds are responsible for planning and coordinating this effort, who…
The future of work is being developed along transport axes that reach far into Brandenburg:
High cost of living, congested streets, and the home-working trend: These are but three of the factors that have helped along an idea in Adlershof that could soon catch on elsewhere. Its name: Innovation corridors.…
In conversation with Beate Mekiffer, who coordinates innovation projects at WISTA Management GmbH:
To Beate Mekiffer, the minus sign represents something positive. For eleven years now, WISTA Management GmbH’s energy expert has been working on making the high-tech site Adlershof more energy efficient. She does so…
The Technology Park manages its sustainable growth with a mobility concept:
The technology campus is growing steadily. But so are the problems with traffic. Using a smart mobility concept, WISTA now plans to turn the wheel to help the site to grow sustainably for the benefit of its staff,…
How do we keep the Technology Park Adlershof on a road to success?:
Things are going smoothly in Adlershof. To make sure this continues, WISTA Management GmbH is thinking about ways to keep the site on a road to success – and to make it even better. It is seldom good to rest on one’s…
Neighbourhood parking, bike parking, mobility hubs – ideas for a new mobility concept in Adlershof:
The Technology Park Adlershof is growing and continues its success. On the flipside, however, the local transportation infrastructure is under pressure. Congestion, lack of parking, and public transport that is…
In the FlexNet4E-Mobility research project, strategies for more sustainable mobility are developed:
When the power grid works at full capacity, electricity from renewable energy sources is cut back. In the FlexNet4E-Mobility project, a consortium of the Berlin-based energy provider BTB is developing strategies to…